How To Search Engine Optimization

Posted by purwaningrum On Saturday 6 February 2010 1 comments
In this article I will be discussing search engine optimization from a how to perspective. So we will call this article how to search engine optimization. Search engine optimization is probably more speculated with more inaccurate information than the stock market. Much like the stock market, people speculate on what they think the search engines are going to do to alter search engine optimization. The truth is, no one knows this information except for the search engines themselves. And they are not going to release it now or never. There is one fact that search engines such as Google have released. Google said years ago that they care about quality content to their end user. If you can deliver quality content to searchers, Google and other search engines alike will love you, love your website and index everything you do.

Content comes best in the form of articles. Writing and submitting articles to article directories is appropriately called article marketing. Article marketing has been used by internet marketers for years. One thing about article marketing that is so great is that it provides satisfaction for all parties involved. This includes the article directory who gets good content to share to their members and therefore receive more advertising revenue. It's great for search engines because they get quality content as well and it's great for your website because you get anchor texted backlinks from the article directories.

When you write articles and submit them to article directories, they allow you to place an anchor texted backlink in your author bio / resource box. These anchor texted backlinks are what let search engines know exactly what keywords you want the search engines to rank your website for. The more anchor texted backlinks you have, the more credit your website is given and therefore the higher it is ranked for the specified keywords in your anchor texted backlinks.

I personally submit five articles everyday to 200 article directories. This has provided me with fantastic results. There has never been anything I have ever done to get high quality one-way anchor texted backlinks. My previous tactic to receive one-way anchor texted backlinks years ago before I knew about article marketing was simply contacting websites and begging for backlinks. As you can probably imagine, this did not go over very well. As a matter of fact, many website owners told me to go to a very hot place beneath the earth if you know what I mean. After about one month, I only received 10 backlinks after hours of emailing.

With article marketing, I receive 1000 anchor texted backlinks every week. Sometimes more depending on how many articles I submit and to how many directories.

I hope this article has given you some information about how to search engine optimization. I am an expert, so you can take my word to the bank. There is more you need to know though. I've only barely scratched the surface in this article since I am limited to a certain word count. Check out my site in my author bio box below and feel free to contact me if you have any questions about article marketing or search engine optimization that I did not discuss here.

1 comments to How To Search Engine Optimization

  1. says:

    yudi thanks for share, this article. it's very usefull for newbie like me in SEO.

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